Category: ‘Life Paradigms’ Blog


The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 10.}

My godfather said to me – after I shared recent experiences from Sisters Academy – that I could (wait, did he say ‘should’?) open a space where I help people self-develop, mentor them. Thank you, uncle, I’ve been thinking about it many times, you see. I even wanted to combine it with massage. ‘Talk & Massage’ private sessions, the idea was…

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 9.}

When it comes to developing products, Software Development is the closest, something I am educated in. And to me one of the most interesting ones, too. IT project management and PRINCE 2 are courses I took and a good foundation for a playground, where I can bring in creative communication tools and process improvements from other professional fields (like from teaching, performance and sociology).

Developing performances and designing and creating experiences for others is another fascination. I am a dreamer. And I am practical in a way that I like beauty, art and dreams being also useful.

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 8.}

Tonight it is clear that I need to surrender more, trust…both in relation to love and in relation to job.

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 7.}

The film about Czesław Niemen, “Sen o Warszawie”, reminded me again what we talked about with Sister in the Academy: one has to be like a tree: with dancing branches, responsive to different winds, but deeply rooted in its own essence. To continue being and doing what feels right, persistently through criticism or doubt.

When involved in a project/job, I can be such a tree. But when searching for a focus – like now – I am more like water floating by, or water that nurtures roots of different trees on its way.

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 6.}

Zacznę się rozglądać za możliwościami jakiegoś sensownego połączenia kultury/sztuki/aktywizmu w Danii i Polsce. Instytut Adama Mickiewicza i Narodowe Centrum Kultury? A organizacje łączące konkretnie Polskę ze Skandynawią? Było mi tak dobrze i inspirująco spontanicznie kroczyć po trójmiejskiej kulturze, sztuce i magicznych, trywialnych kątach… Inteference Festival pozytywnie zaskoczył, a wiele filmów i wizualizacji oczarowało i poukładało mi jakoś elementy od strony podświadomości.

Gala rozdania nagród za sztuki wizualne w Europejskim Centrum Solidarności. To co szczególnie chcę pokazać zaczyna się po godzinie i dwudziestu pięciu minutach (1:25:00): film Z. Rybińskiego, a zaraz potem jego sylwetka, refleksja, pozdrowienia z daleka. Rozśmieszył i wzruszył.


The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 5.}

Master in Sociology

Professional Bachelor in Software Development

Researcher and Analyst

Experience Designer and Event Coordinator


Teacher and Workshop Leader

(informal) Couch and Mentor


Project Coordinator, Communication


It’s not that I don’t have enough skills and experience. The focus now is Creative Salesman as category 10 (or category 0?).




The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 4.}

It rang a bell, when I heard Jacob say over our job-inspiration coffee: “…this I’ d see the most fitting for your profile”.

” Wait a moment – I thought to myself – ask him how he sees you.” (I had similar conversations before)

“What do you think my profile is?” – I asked.

“Performance” – he said.


Here we go. Let me extend it for you. Starting tomorrow…

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 3.}

What about my polishness? Denmark is my new home, Poland is my homeland. Can I be a connector? It’s not a split, it’s richness.


Lad os gOre det sammen. Jeg tolker, fortolker, forbinder…

Jestem w polskim lesie. To tylko mały fragment polskości, ale jeden z ukochanych. Dobranoc.

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 2.}

A negative response came from Guldminen: I didn’t get an office in Vasbygade and everyday access to treasures of the recycling station. Well, others will make good use of winning it, I know. Especially that what I wanted there was something slightly different. A job related to recycling. I’d like to raise awareness, make people fall in love with reuse, spread knowledge and provide easy DIY set-ups for private households (I am already doing that for friends).

I love the idea and potential behind Guldminen experiment. And I felt that new ideas, collaborators, money would come just by being part of that mine. So I reversed the sequence of things (office->money, instead of money->office), and I got a ‘no’.

But I won an inspiration coffee with the project coordinator. She knows I want to create a job for myself. And she knows that more than having an office, it makes sense for me to go around offices – companies, initiatives, activists – connecting elements and using them for interactive workshops, treasure hunts about recycling&upcycling that combine the virtual with face-to-face. I am looking forward to that meeting. I am also meeting one more from the field. After Poland, where I landed today, finally…




*I fancy those prototypes 🙂

The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 1.}

I am quite amazed how active I turned out after landing back in Copenhagen late friday evening. Despite resistance, numbness, soul jet-lag, or what was that? Straight to a tantra workshop in Ringsted, the next day a walk in a forest and serving as a book in Menneskebibliotek during young women’s festival organized by KVINFO in Pumpehuset. Balancing different important elements, sustainability on the personal level, as I was teaching and inspiring others at Sisters Academy.

Since then connecting, networking and already holding three face-to-face meetings with different sectors working on different dimensions of sustainability, initiatives I’d like to work for: my friend Helena and her start-up; Jacob, who works on a book for Alternativet party and in a longer term connects art with politics; and Johan from Tinkuy, which entry point is self-development and spirituality community.

It makes me frustrated, I must admit, that people appreciate my ideas, inspiration and involvement, but there’s no budget for my salary. A repetitive scenario that – I know – appears for the sake of showing me something, pushing me towards some necessary alternative. And the alternative is setting my own company, finding my niche, creating a brand.

Ripeness comes when enough is enough. I remember a similar breakthrough when I got tired of waiting for a romantic love. Or when it constantly came to me, was persistently confirmed that I have to also work with tantra. And I will. But on the side of a main job I still need. So I still need your help. As before my ‘start-up’ child is born and grows independent, I want to work for someone.


Goodnight. Time to rest in doing nothing the rest of the evening. This is also art in itself (The Art of…).