The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 14.}: ‘I am yours for one week’
When I was half-dreaming, an interesting idea came to my mind. My profile is very unique and indescribable and I want to break this pattern of others seeing my skills from one angle only. I consider working for or supporting projects, companies, organizations voluntarily for a week or two. To get insight, connect face-to-face, learn and extend what they do with my perspectives, interdisciplinary contribution. To turn the imaginary, abstract into hands-on, tangible.
The experiment is called ‘I am yours for one week’.
What I initially have in mind is contacting: Menneskebibliotek, Gadens Stemmer, some refugee-related project (Other Story or Trampoline House), some media company (to inspire for stories and gather stories, interviews, treasures) or some startup (preferably with CSR mission), as I am a good interdisciplinary “octopus”.
If you have other suggestions who I could connect with, let me hear you.
The Art of..Job Hunt {Day 13.}
I realized I create a separation in my mind between a deep love relationship I dream of and my life purpose. Because my relationship will be exclusive and go against me being and working with other people? No. They need to be one, part of each other, support each other. That’s what I want.
I also realized (again) that my life purpose cannot start from money. Yes, I am goal-oriented now, cause I need a job, but when it comes to life purpose, money will be a potential side-effect. Creating my own company can create an overlap(money-life purpose), and this at this stage is easier than doing something meaningful with salary, while working for someone. Unless life proves me wrong and this I of course also hope.
The Art of…Job Hunt {Day 12.}
Min ven skrev til mig: “Måske får du mere held med at søge efter arbejde, hvis du skriver i de rigtige facebook-grupper. Her vil jeg især foreslå Freelancere & Arbejdsgivere i Mediebranchen På med et professionalt profilbillede og skriv i gruppen, hvad du kan og vil, og at du leder efter arbejde/opgaver. Og at du er skarp til konceptudvikling og den slags. Bare giv den gas!”
Thank you, Emil. And you other contributors, please share if you know other channels I didn’t think about. Hugs
The Art of… job hunting {Day 11.}
I can’t make up my mind. Seriously. I feel that it’s too ego-driven, goal oriented, I am afraid of wrong choices and wasting energy on wrong choices. Funny enough, 3 days ago I wrote I need to surrender more, trust more.
What I really want is a combination, variety, I don’t want to choose. And on some level I won’t have to, I believe, but I need to find this level, this door, or let it find me. I want my job(s) to be fun, inspiring and touching. Thank you to those people in my life that remind me that I not only can but I have to want it all!
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 10.}
My godfather said to me – after I shared recent experiences from Sisters Academy – that I could (wait, did he say ‘should’?) open a space where I help people self-develop, mentor them. Thank you, uncle, I’ve been thinking about it many times, you see. I even wanted to combine it with massage. ‘Talk & Massage’ private sessions, the idea was…
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 9.}
When it comes to developing products, Software Development is the closest, something I am educated in. And to me one of the most interesting ones, too. IT project management and PRINCE 2 are courses I took and a good foundation for a playground, where I can bring in creative communication tools and process improvements from other professional fields (like from teaching, performance and sociology).
Developing performances and designing and creating experiences for others is another fascination. I am a dreamer. And I am practical in a way that I like beauty, art and dreams being also useful.
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 8.}
Tonight it is clear that I need to surrender more, trust…both in relation to love and in relation to job.
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 7.}
The film about Czesław Niemen, “Sen o Warszawie”, reminded me again what we talked about with Sister in the Academy: one has to be like a tree: with dancing branches, responsive to different winds, but deeply rooted in its own essence. To continue being and doing what feels right, persistently through criticism or doubt.
When involved in a project/job, I can be such a tree. But when searching for a focus – like now – I am more like water floating by, or water that nurtures roots of different trees on its way.
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 6.}
Zacznę się rozglądać za możliwościami jakiegoś sensownego połączenia kultury/sztuki/aktywizmu w Danii i Polsce. Instytut Adama Mickiewicza i Narodowe Centrum Kultury? A organizacje łączące konkretnie Polskę ze Skandynawią? Było mi tak dobrze i inspirująco spontanicznie kroczyć po trójmiejskiej kulturze, sztuce i magicznych, trywialnych kątach… Inteference Festival pozytywnie zaskoczył, a wiele filmów i wizualizacji oczarowało i poukładało mi jakoś elementy od strony podświadomości.
Gala rozdania nagród za sztuki wizualne w Europejskim Centrum Solidarności. To co szczególnie chcę pokazać zaczyna się po godzinie i dwudziestu pięciu minutach (1:25:00): film Z. Rybińskiego, a zaraz potem jego sylwetka, refleksja, pozdrowienia z daleka. Rozśmieszył i wzruszył.
The Art of… Job Hunt {Day 5.}
Master in Sociology
Professional Bachelor in Software Development
Researcher and Analyst
Experience Designer and Event Coordinator
Teacher and Workshop Leader
(informal) Couch and Mentor
Project Coordinator, Communication
It’s not that I don’t have enough skills and experience. The focus now is Creative Salesman as category 10 (or category 0?).