What is sexy, what is love… for people

I am asking People these two important questions <3
Performing 7 face-to-face ritualized interviews. Yet there is more precious inputs…and they are growing.
You are also welcome to contribute online. Read more about my heartbeat project here https://elementsconnected.com/interviews-in-love/
what is sexy to you?
Sexyness for me is meeting a person who meet me with vitality combined w curiosity and openness. I feel sexy when i feel vital, curious and open.
deepest love dream…
I want to lie in nature with my lover. I want to snuggle in a tent with my lover, and walk out and drink clean water from the river and let the wind and sun dry our bodies
what is sexy to you?
At a distance (and close): When I sense that a woman embraces her own feminine energy, including her sensuality, and allows it to be expressed through her (not as a ‘demonstration’ but as something natural), instead of hiding it (or from it) behind the mask of a ‘nice girl’. Close, perhaps in embrace, perhaps blindfolded: When, sinking into presence, my own sexual energy is stirred by the meeting. This is probably about energetic compatibility, subtle but tangible.
deepest love dream…
To melt together, both being lifted into a higher realm of consciousness or bliss during lovemaking.
what is sexy to you?
When a person is really into you and they are engrossed in you that you can feel in their touch that they want you and are crazy about you. People whom I’m attracted to’s smell, and it’s in different parts of their bodies for example I love the smell of the breast bone on one partner and the armpit of another. I feel most sexy when I’ve been training and I have fresh dripping sweat on my body that is wet – that’s when I’m my most sexy.
deepest love dream…
In a really warm waterfall with a person who kisses me deeply, passionately and exactly as I like it. We have sex for hours in this place and never get tired nor cold (hence why it needs to be warm water). In my magical fantasy the rocks are also warm, not sharp nor slippery so we can use the rocks as support but also move freely on them. Its lush around (but no bugs) so it smells fresh when we emerge from under the water for air.
what is sexy to you?
tease; being “in the body”; piercing present eyes
deepest love dream…
an open sexual-spiritual-love relationship with a ‘leader of a herd’ (community)… where I am his Queen
what is sexy to you?
These following examples are only sexy to me of they take place in full and mutual consent and observing strict rules of being safe, sane, and fun to the both of us. I see myself as a physical sadist as I take pleasure in my partners physical pain, not a psychological as emotional pain, destruction of self, is anatema to me and not sexy in the least. What is sexy to me Strong, misbehaved women are sexy to me: If she is bad in public even as she knows there will be consequences. Threats of future sessions is sexy to me: Letting her know (pretending to hold her arm lightly but in reality having a very strong grip so she knows she has angered her master). Taking my time and doing things right is sexy to me; Rope play. Tying her up. Japanese rope play, turning her into a work of art. Educating my partner firmly is sexy to me;: Forcing her to orgasm through various techniques again and again so she can experience for herself how sexual desire and pleasure is sinful and leads to terrible things. ‘Maintenance spanking’ my partner and telling her it is for her own good but we both know it is because I like to spank her and make her cry is sexy to me. Several partner/lovers at once or staggered are sexy to me: Coming ome and finding my partner in the throes of passion with another man. Inviting another man, perhaps a stranger to her, to come to our place and she has to have sex with him (to see if she is ready for marriage) Deeply explore the world of sexy cognitive dissonance and double binds are sexy to me: All of the above and also forcing (consensually) myself upon my partner whilst telling her she is making me do it or I only do it to demonstrate to her, how terrible sex is and it really is just a chore for me. Or spanking her for having had sex with another/other men even though it was me who invited them in and made her avail herself to them.
deepest love dream…
Nothing I dream of is non-consensual. For the dream below to happen there will have been signed a quite extensive slave contract and safe-words of varying degrees of severity set in place, However with that out of the way, I dream of inflicting more pain and also of switching, so I become the recipient, the sub. In this dream scenario I am in a well equipped dungeon and I have brought my charge in here to teach her and also to punish her for her many, many sins. She probably skipped church several sundays in a row and when she is there, she probably dreams terrible sexy dreams of both the priest and the congregation. That will not do! I hug her and offer her comfort and soothe her for what is about to transpire will take some time and will involve some level of discomfort to her. I apologize and tell her that if I could choose I would not choose to do this, but her actions and thoughts have necessitated it. She protest and demand to know what actions and I tell her that she knows that very well already and that her demanding of me, her gentle master to qualify my decision is one, albeit slightly lesser, of her many sins. She is asked to undress and I comment on how beautiful she is and if only she was not so ugly with terrible sinful sexy thoughts she would soon get a husband and she could stay at home with her children and not think and study and read and do art and believe in things and dream like she does now! I then tie her to a rack or bench and as she is firmly restricted I show her her options and let her choose the main instruments of her punishment. Usually I will begin with bare handed spanking, then the nine tailed soft leather whip, the crop and bull whip to get the bruising going and the cane to bring it ome. As she cries and begs me to stop other men will come and watch and she can buy herself some by performing felatio on them or letting them fuck her. If she chooses this, I will bring her to climax first and add this new sin to her register for punishment. This goes on for hours and hours and then a few days in this my deepest dream. Servants take care of her physical needs and keeps the wounds as they appear clean and hygienic and she is allowed to sleep in a small cell with a mattress. I come visit her there to comfort her more and tell her that this will only last as long as absolutely necessary. I tell her I am not a monster but that this is necessary to save her immortal soul from perdition. Then I will have the jailor come and he will have his way with her, assisted by me if need be and this will also be added to her register as she, even in the midst of her punishment for her past infractions, can’t help herself and cavorts sexually even with her jailor! After the set amount of time 48 hours I release of her bondage, wash her, bind and tend her bruises, combs er hair and kiss her and hug her and declare her pure and free from sin and I grant her one wish from me, within my powers to grant that she can use as she wants with no quarrel or question from my side. I even give her a legally binding letter in which I instruct my household and servants to obey only her during the fulfilment of her wish. She thanks me demurely both for her thorough and firm education and for my trust in her in granting her her wish. And she goes on to state that she is both purified and enlightened by this experience even as it was quite the ordeal and there was some physical discomfort and that as a token of her gratitude and reverence to my sage judgement she wishes to spend her wish to gift me the wonderful cleansing experience I have just so selflessly bestowed upon her. She then tells me that my hubris has been noted and must be dealt with. For my sake and as my servants restrain me, I am sentenced to live her ordeal and bidden to undress as she caresses me and soothes me, comfort and console me for what is about to happen, what I by sheer moral necessity must now endure…