Tag: love


Interview ¤2

Seks i miłość po polsku…

I will not translate this interview. She’s brilliant just like that and it’s almost as much honour as pleasure to do one of these 7 interviews in our mother tongue.

Some chambers are only to be entered by a few with the key…

what is sexy to you…

‘Animal tenderness’ she said. I understood. Yet, only much later I realized that it means ‘zwierzęca czułość’ …and that extended my world even more. “Language creates reality” wrote Sapir & Worf and that – I remember – was one of sociological hypotheses that influenced me the most during and after my studies.

I long deepest for …that kind of love

Musi być “obłąkany, obdarzony i hojny”

that must mean ‘obsessed, skilled and generous”?

… until death tears us apart.

her (unexpected) question to me

Then she sat ME on the hot seat. And I told her about Virgilia.

Virgilia is a character in ‘North and South’ (1985) film. If I was ‘carte blanche’ with freshest eyes, I might have chosen another female figure. But years ago I was asked (or asked myself) which character I’d play in that film … and I got surprised by my choice. And I think today that exactly that past feeling of self-surprise, a sudden realization that I am actually different or more than I used yo think of myself…made me answer: Virgilia. Maybe significant inceptions unmanifested just need to manifest! Maybe it’s in their nature.

my (unexpected) question to her

It’s neither a question nor it was unexpected. And it happened one day before the interview happened – and I even started recording before I asked. But it was ok.

It was a confession. I’ve been carrying this intention for 2 years to tell her…that she was one of these women I would look up to because they’d reached a level of advancement, where they are so confident and so trusting a man and so seeing a bigger picture, that they are not jealous. One day her husband told me a story though: that summer where she sent us two to Norway, she was jealous! I suddenly felt both naive and affectionate towards her and her side I’ve never known before. And my perception of “advancement” in love relationships – it has changed forever.

The final harvest

Following a tradition, each interview brings some intertextuality. This time my free association to a film/philosophy/phenomenon  {inspired by meeting with her} is…


I can’t think of anything other that SHEEP now. How they smell and how they are tenderly in love…

This interview series revolves around two core questions: ‘what is sexy?’ and ‘deepest love dream’, as in unique life scripts of a human being, 

7 interviews. 7 encounters. Experience them here.

interviews in love