Day 1. {and Day 0.}

First day of manifestation. Brain too tired to worry, so I was as happy and relaxed as exhausted. A girl came to my tableau today. I was a drained teacher after 2 hours of sleep, so I asked her what she wants to do. Not a class design I get high on (giving from my green light zone), but when I heard this, I knew it will be interesting: she wants to write about wind – as it’s her energy – and then somehow let go of it, as it doesn’t serve her anymore. How interesting – I thought – Wind on top of Water has been my new element, but very undiscovered, like loving something without really understanding it. I fell in love with “wind” men for the last year.  More conscious process than before, as I have courage. There’s a strong attraction and a lot of challenging growth they trigger in me, as all they are is freshness, unpredictability, high energy and untamedness.  More from a body than a head, I guided her through connecting to her passion which is different than this Wind element she is so familiar with. She found a new direction: something between Fire and Earth. And homework followed. For both of us. Cause again I discovered that asking for things, taking space and following strong attraction from a vulnerable space can be difficult. It is often much easier to give and be in control. Therefore it’s important to do it. And for me too…

Dorit Chrysler played in the evening, what a beautiful power!

But let’s start from the beginning, actually – if this process has any real beginning, in this case when first guests arrived…



Day 0.

How often a test/backstage/a prototype is potentially more intense than what it is supposed to prepare us for! I was first witnessing and then adding perspectives to a ritual of rewriting a past scenario that never properly closed an important chapter between old lovers. Saying a proper goodbye that never really happened months ago. I cried. Because they were so courageous and present. Because it was a deep, long-term love connection with passion and awareness that I haven’t experienced with this new paradigm that vulnerability, not hiding, is a real treasure. And because I could really feel and empathize with both her and him. Katharsis. Transformation using strong, performative space.

And from amongst other interesting encounters, there was one exploring yellow light of intimacy, for both sides…and that’s what I am most interested in, I guess. In this way working for the Sisters Academy could be the best job I have ever had.

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